Influences of Vitamin D and B12 in Infectious Diseases and Microbes: A Technical Review


  • Jase Grimm University of the People



Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Helicobacter pylori, Fungi, Tuberculosis


A diet rich in vitamin D. Bacteria, antibiotics, and metabolism Vitamin D deficiency viral microbiomes Gut Microbiome and Vitamin D. B vitamin deficiency results from malabsorption. SIF complex indirectly enhances B12 absorption. This complex gives the ileum vitamin B12. Anti-infective properties of B12 and D. B12 and D seem to slow Lachnospiraceae growth. P-cresol, butyrate, propionate Lachnospira is linked to low B12 and D levels. Debatable value. Processed foods do. B12 and D stop Blautia growth. IBD B12 deficiency IBD vitamin D Lactobacillus was infrequent, whereas E. coli was common. This present study revealed that IPA, an antioxidant, has been associated with diabetes and Alzheimer's. IPA beats melatonin. It doesn't appear to stop Alzheimer's or diabetes. Flavonoids and neuroprotective viruses D and B12 metabolism may involve Blautia. Deficiency of B12 and D in Crohn's. It reduced butyrate production. Inflammation, atherosclerosis, and immunological maturation may be cured by these nutrients.


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Author Biography

Jase Grimm, University of the People

University of the People, 595 E Colorado Blvd Suite 623, Pasadena, CA 91101, USA


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How to Cite

Grimm, J. . (2021). Influences of Vitamin D and B12 in Infectious Diseases and Microbes: A Technical Review. ABC Research Alert, 9(2), 80–88.



Research Paper