Impact of Incentive Programs on Organizational Growth: A Case Study


  • Muhammed Zakir Hossain State University of Bangladesh
  • Umma Nusrat Urme State University of Bangladesh



Incentive, Incentive Programs, Rewards, Motivation


In this study, we discussed Maritz LLC's incentives, motivation, and incentive programs so that the reader can easily understand the core concept of incentives. We have discussed the various incentives that most organizations are currently using to motivate their employees, customers, and dealers or distributors to perform better. We also included some of the most widely used incentive theories adopted by Maritz LLC, which have changed the modern world's view of incentives and their implications. These theories give us a better understanding of the various needs that people have and the importance of those needs. The theories also told us what kinds of incentives are significant and how important they are. Finally, we compare what the theory implies to what an organization like Maritz LLC is doing to improve its overall performance. We also attempted to identify the parallels and differences between theory and application.


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Author Biographies

  • Muhammed Zakir Hossain, State University of Bangladesh

    Assistant Professor, Department of Business Studies, State University of Bangladesh

  • Umma Nusrat Urme, State University of Bangladesh

    Lecturer, Department of Business Studies, State University of Bangladesh


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Research Paper

How to Cite

Impact of Incentive Programs on Organizational Growth: A Case Study. (2022). ABC Research Alert, 10(1), 17-30.

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